Here is a compilation of some of my thoughts.
The more I read and learn, the more I realise there is a lot more that I don’t know about. I am clearly still very early in my pursuit of knowledge. I have vew low conformation bias and some of these opinions are bound to change as I keep learning but this is where I currently stand.
To me, success is leveraging free markets to solve real world problems
Free markets are natures intended way to run and improve the world. My first instinct to any current problem we face is to think how can this be solved using free markets and building a self sustaining business. The easy solution is to throw money at the problem, but this is possible for only a small subset of problems, and when it is it’s not scalable and not efficient.
Building a self sustaining business on the other hand while being much harder might actually solve the problem in a meaningful way. Elon has been particularly exceptional at using this to his advantage. It is hard enough to build a business. It is hard enough to build hardware. It is hard enough to solve hard problems. It is hard enough to go against industry incumbents. He has done all of this while solving meaningful problems for humanity, multiple times. It is incomprehensible how big of an impact is that. Elon has had more positive impact on humanity than the next handful of people combined.
Goal of Humanity
A common advice offered by many greats is to “follow your passion and do what you love.” However in today’s reality, if everyone chose to pursue their passion, society as we know it would collapse. The necessary but often unglamorous jobs, unfortunately still play a major role in keeping the world running. Although this advice is well-intended, it cannot scale at current state of technology, and is therefore limited to a relatively small group of privileged or extremely hard working individuals.
The ultimate goal of humanity should be to reach a point where people work only if they want to, ideally doing what they love. Essentials like healthcare and education should not depend on one’s ability to earn for this to be possible. Massive technological advancement is the only viable path in which this ideal future is even remotely possible. Fulfilling one’s passion should not be a luxury but a viable reality to all.
Hardware is hard but hardware is glorious
Sure, I get it—hardware is hard. The economics are hard, the logistics are complex, the barrier of entry is high, the margins are razor-thin. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But also, I don’t care.
Hardware is majestic. Hardware is glorious. Hardware is beautiful. No other feeling in the world can match building good hardware that adds value to people.
I’m not an atheist, just agnostic
Whether God exists or not is an extremely complicated question—one that would require hundreds of hours of research for me to even have an opinion. A lot of people spend major part of their lives trying to understand this question and spreading their believes.
If God does exist—whether in a form described by any of the known religions, or in a form beyond our understanding, I don’t believe that the he would desire to be worshipped by us. I believe he would rather prioritize the positive impact we leave on the world. Which is what I care about anyways. For this reason, to me it doesn’t really matters if God exists or not. If today, I find conclusive evidence if God is real or not, my life tomorrow would be exactly the same. So I’ve not considered spending much time to further explore the truth and believe or practice any religion.
Sports are fascinating
Something about setting a constrained optimization problem and pushing humans to the absolute limits results in amazing but also devastating moments. There is only one result, there is only one winner. There is no free lunch. Some part of the world is devastated while some other part of the world is having the best time despite the result having absolutely no direct effect on their lives.
It is also one of the few mediums other than education that can pull someone out of any biases they had in their early stages of life. But it’s also a much riskier and difficult option to work on. It’s almost like starting a start up, you bet everything on yourself. I have immense respect for the ones who make it, but also the ones who don't but gave their best. I might not know you, but you have my respect.
Education is the most underrated problem of the 21st century
AI will solve the 2 sigma problem and humanity will never look backwards since then.
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If used right, Work Ethic can be the key to almost every lock in the universe
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Democracy is a dead end
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Techno Optimism
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Effective Altruism vs Effective Acceleration is not the fight were supposed to be fighting
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